
Art: Olivia Locher FOUGHT THE LAW

In ALABAMA it's illegal to have an Ice Cream in your back pocket at all the times

La joven fotógrafa Olivia Locher ilustra a través de sus satíricas fotografías algunas de las leyes estatales más absurdas de los Estados Unidos. Una forma innovadora y trasgresora de mostrarle al mundo lo bizarro de muchas de las regulaciones que, en pleno siglo XXI, deben regir nuestro comportamiento...

The young photographer Olivia Locher illustrates through his satirical photographs some of the most absurd state laws of the United States. An innovative and transgressive to show the world the bizarre to many of the regulations that in the XXI century should govern our behavior ...

In DELAWARE it is illegal to wear pants that are “form.fitting” around the waist
In  TEXAS it's illegal for CHILDREN to have unsual haircuts

 In HAWAII coins are not allowed to be placed in one's ears
 In WINSCONSIN it's illegal to serve and apple pie in public in restaurants without cheese
In CALIFORNIA nobody is allowed to ride a bicycle in a swimming pool

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